
Showing posts from August, 2024

Wanderlust Sale - Square Lanterns with PBR!

 Wanderlust Sale - PBR Square Lanterns Hello friends!  It is Wanderlust Weekend Time Again! These gorgeous square lanterns feature 100% original mesh, custom art (c)2024 A.M. Coy, and PBR!  Just 3LI each, with beautiful colors.  It takes extra scripting for special effects with PBR, and our lanterns have that :)  They click on/off with radiant light, fullbright, and glow.  Beautiful! These are ON SALE - 60-83% OFF!  50L & 120L each :D only at ~L/Fx~ HQ: Now through Monday, August 26, 2025   ~ Marketplace Links Below ~ ~~~~            ~~~ Questions? Need Help? IM Wyvern Dryke in Second Life!            

Reynard the Fox - Fried Chicken & Posters at Enchantment: Talez

 ~Lantian/Flox~ at Enchantment: Talez This round of Enchantment features fairy tales and traditional stories rebooted with modern, urban flair.  Not to disappoint, ~Lantian/Flox~ has relaunched the myth of Reynard the Fox, the anti-hero of the Middle Ages. We're using great new products, too: tasty fried chicken and original art posters!  All 100% original mesh, 1-2 LI, with custom textures + materials.  Plus, the chicken is PBR with Bento animations.   ALL 15% OFF until September 1 - just L$25 5 ($1 US) each Get Them @ Enchantment: Talez -> Who Is Reynard the Fox? ~ Traditional ~ During the Middle Ages in Europe, a series of animal stories gained great popularity amongst the commonfolk.  They were based originally on Aesop's Fables, and featured a humanoid fox-character as the hero (or anti-hero).  "Reynard" the fox and his arch-nemesis "Isengrim" the Wolf appeared in many allegorical tales which

Dystopia at ~Lantian/Flox~

Dystopia at ~Lantian/Flox~ Feel like the world is ending? So do we! ~Lantian/Flox~ has great stuff in the Dystopian area of FandomCon. VISIT -> (Click twice - forced landing) ~~~ ITEMS: * RFL Donations: - "Big Brother" Wall Sign - Yucca plant * Glowing Wall Signs: - "You May Live to See Man-Made Horrors.." - "The Choice for Mankind..." * "Ratz Bitez" - Tasty Snack (click to temp-attach fried meat chunks) - Matching poster!  * Tentacles: animated mesh cyberpunk style * Tornados: jewelry, tabletop decor, and huge wandering version ~~~ 100% original mesh, custom textures, mostly PBR! --------------------------- WALL SIGNS   ~Visit FandomCon to purchase "Big Brother" for RFL!~     RATZ BITEZ     TENTACLES     ~ Tornadoes are Here ~