Upcoming Events in ~Lantian~ Village...

[updated 19 July 2009]


* now - 31 July 2009 - Relocation Completion

Lantian Village & Tower have been rebuilt in Schazm sim (adult continent). Some final touches are still being made, but the marketplace is finished.

The medieval area & marketplace are now at 500m. The sci-fi area is at sea-level, with Lantian Tower. There is also 7seas fishing, swimming, and surfing.

Here are the new landmarks for ~Lantian~:

Medieval Area: 􀀁

Scifi Area: 􀀀


* now - 31 July 2009 - "Just For The Guys" Hunt. We are the last stop on the JFTG Hunt. Hidden in the market you will find a highly-detailed, brand new kilt (unisex, really, although the hunt is called Just For The Guys).


* 1 August 2009 - DCS2 Roleplay System Completion

We are also in the process of installing the DCS2 roleplay system. It is running now (as of this note's posting date) but spells and skills are being added. We project this will be complete by August 1st.


* 1 - 31 September 2009 - STEAM Hunt

We will be participating in the Steampunk/Victorian theme hunt called STEAM. We will keep you posted as details for this develop. :)



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