~Lantian~ Update: Exotic Sale, Free Lantern, Midsummer Pentacles, and more!

It's been awhile, but we've been busy at ~Lantian~.  There is a slew of new stuff and a sale to boot!
* Group Freebie: Arabian Lantern
* Exotic Sale: 50% Off Everything Exotic

* Current Hunts and Events
* Colab Pool Party: 60L for Water Floaties (new)
* New Products: Midsummer Pentacles!

Group Freebie

The free group gift this month is a new, 100% mesh Arabian Stained Glass Lantern!  Find it to the left of the landing point at our Main Store.

Exotic Sale: 50% Off Everything Exotic

Everything in our "Exotic" theme area is 50% off.  This includes the brand new, limited-edition, 100% mesh lanterns as well as old favorites like oil lamps, sculpted lanterns, jewelry, and incense.  Come to our Main Store, Exotic Theme Area to find the items all marked down.  (Items on sale are boxed and unboxed, just not in the vendors.)

Colab: "Pool Party"

This upcoming Colab theme is "Pool Party," so we are offering water floaties for 60L.  They are easy to use: click the rezzer, hop onto a floatie which appears, and ride on the water.  Floaties spin and move very slowly, just like real ones.  The rezzer will produce unlimited floaties in random colors, plus you control who is able to rez one: everyone, group, or just owner.

You can find the Colab vendor to the right of our landing point at the Main Store.

Current Hunts and Events

We are in the following hunts: Arabian Nights (ends today), Silk Road 3 (ends June 30), Midsummer Nights Dream (ends July 20), and Darkness Behind Closed Doors 4 (July 1-31).  We also have a booth at the SciFi Convention to benefit RFL.

New Products: Midsummer Pentacles

June 21 is Midsummer, so to celebrate we are offering special pentacles with a summer theme: vivid colors, sun stars, and flowers.

Midsummer Pentacle Necklace in Ruby (red)
Midsummer Pentacle Necklace in Fire Opal (orange and fiery hues)
https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LanTNNecklaceMidsummer-PentacleCopperGoldFireOpal-MCtbox/5019385This product is our Midsummer Nights Dream Hunt prize - free!
Midusmmer Pentacle Necklace in Emerald (green)
Midsummer Pentacle Necklace in Amethyst (purple)


Midsummer Pentacle Earrings in Ruby (red)

Midsummer Pentacle Earrings in Fire Opal (orange and fiery hues)
Midusmmer Pentacle Earrings in Emerald (green)

Midusmmer Pentacle Earrings in Amethyst (purple)

Other new products - Limited Edition, 100% mesh, Arabian Lanterns.  At our Exotic Theme area, only during Silk Road Hunt 3!  (1-30 June 2013)

More mesh lanterns and matching necklaces to come, soon!

Coming Soon - TechnoCrystals with science fiction glass and copper wires.  Available now only at the SciFi Convention!

More TechnoCrystals and matching necklaces coming soon!

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We hate spam as much as you do.  So our mailing list is opt-in only, and we never share, sell, buy or "harvest" customer info. To un/subscribe, please contact Wyvern Dryke or click the sign at the ~Lantian~ Main Store here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/schazm/100/50/500.


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