Announcing... The First Annual Gift-a-Rama!

Dear Friends,

It seems that time of year is upon us.  Are you like me?  Besieged by cookies, tree trimming, and other holiday chaos so you forgot to buy your pixelated loved ones a gift?  Oh no!

Well, don't despair... ~L/Fx~ to the rescue!

Announcing the First Annual Gift-a-Rama.  

Where: The ~Lantian Flox~ Main Store in Schazm, and satellite store in Mieville Stevenson.

When: NOW until 1 Jan 2014.

What: A super-duper, last-minute saving, well, sale!  Everything is GIFTABLE (Mod/no-copy/Trans), and everything is ONE U.S. dollar or less (that's L$250 maximum).

Gifts include jewelry, lanterns, crystals, and decor... Steampunk, Fantasy, Asian and More!

And here's the fun part. Ready?

If you want anything gift-wrapped, just let me know and I will do it up beautifully with mesh boxes and bows, then hand-deliver it to whomever you wish.  No extra charge!  Just pass me the lindens (or the item you want wrapped) with a note of what it is and to whom it goes.

(That goes for anything, by the way. I will gift-wrap anything you want.  It doesn't have to be a Gift-a-Rama present.  It doesn't have to be by me!  lol, I'll wrap it, whatever it is!  Just be aware that many of my regular (non-Gift-a-Rama) products are no-trans, so you may not be able to pass it to be wrapped.  Instead, just pass me the lindens and a note; I'll take care of it.)

Hope to see you at Gift-a-Rama today. :)

~Wyvern Dryke

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We hate spam as much as you do.  So our mailing list is opt-in only, and we never share, sell, buy or "harvest" customer info. To un/subscribe, please contact Wyvern Dryke or click the sign at the ~Lantian Flox~ Main Store here:


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