Weekend Sales 

Good news... ~Lantian/Flox~ is the Super Sales Weekend merchant of the week! 

This week our weekend sales are all about our popular Cafe tables and chairs!  The entire set is at least 15% off, with chairs 50% off and one table an additional 25% off for the Birds of a Feather Weekend Sale.  Please go to the weekend sales area to see the full range:

Weekend Sales Area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mieville%20Kipling/224/95/24

Now at the Main Store and on Marketplace....

These precious products have been making the rounds at various events, but those events are now over, so they've come to rest at home.  Get a discount - wear your Lantian Flox group tag!

They're all in the New & Sale area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mieville%20Kipling/207/106/25

Celtic Dream Glitter Chairs
3 li, 100% mesh, baked textures plus materials for that extra realism. 8 poses for male & female.  The celtic knots and pillow gleam with metallic shine in any light.  Comes in vivid black, blue, red, green, purple, or white with white wooden legs.

Planter Plants
2 or 3 li, 100% mesh, with custom textures.  These plants are available as regular daisies, rainbow daisies, purple-pink daisies, green nettles, and otherworldly S'kia plants with neon threads in aqua, purple, or orange.  The planter is light gray marble.

Triple Star Lights
These lights are original mesh with faceted stars on delicately-wound metal connectors.  They come as soft rainbow-white, green, or blue.

These chairs are original mesh with baked textures and materials. 3LI with 8 unisex animations including a book attachment, and a star-shaped light and clicks on/off.  Varieties are aqua, yellow, grey, and purple.


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