NEW: Ren Splendor, Geared Victorian Lamps & Spellbooks

In this edition:
* Ren Splendor Crowns
* Geared Victorian Lamps
* Spellbooks
Main Store

Ren Splendor Crowns

These lovely, unisex crowns are 100% original mesh. Fit for a king or a queen!  Or a fashionista seeking a bit of bling.  They feature faceted gems that gleam with every movement.

Geared Victorian Lamps

These old style lamps gutter and glow with charm!  Perfect for spooky occasions or realistic effects. 100% mesh with baked textures.


These are perfect for a wizard or magical decor!  Not to mention Halloween decorations.  Click the book for a magical effect!  Available in two varieties: mahogany wood or dark oak.

Find the last two at the Harry Potter Halloween Fair.
Find all of these on the SL Marketplace or at our Main Store


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