Sim Opening Sale!

It's a huge weekend!

~Lantian/Flox~ is celebrating the opening of our sim, AND our introduction as a guest merchant to Wanderlust!  You get to enjoy the discounts and sales....

* 50L Wanderlust Weekend
* 50% OFF Super Sales Weekend
* 60L Secret Sale
* 25% OFF Gift Cards

- Jewelry
- Furniture
- Accessories
- Garden
- Snax!

Visit Our New Sim ->




Sim Opening

We have been operating "Flox" sim as a Homestead for about two months, but it really did not have enough "oomph" for all we need to do.  So we paid to upgrade it to a "Full" sim.  Now you can look forward to great activities in the near future.  Our plans include a vast expansion of our shop, lots of new products, and much more of Haunted Nawlins going up around us.  Best of all, we are planning a huge Mardi Gras celebration in February!  Stay tuned.


Wanderlust Weekend

Wanderlust is a hugely popular shopping event where items are sold for 50L or less.  We are very fortunate to join as a guest merchant this week, and with any luck, will be able to appear again soon.

You can look for our exclusive "Snowflake Beautiful" jewelry and decor items.  They are 100% original mesh, with delicate gems and a texture-change HUD.  Two will be 50L for Wanderlust, and two will be 15% OFF for Lantian Flox group members (for sale beside the Wanderlust items).



Other Sales!

We have other items on sale, to celebrate the full opening of our sim.  These include:

  • SSW (Super Sales Weekend) items 50% OFF - jewelry and furniture
  • 60L Secret items for 60L - cookies, tree, neckerchief, and zabuton (Japanese cushion).
  • ~L/Fx~ Gift Cards all 25% OFF!


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Questions? Need Help?

IM Wyvern Dryke


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