~Lantian~ Update: 2 Old Friends and a New One

Dear ~Lantian~ friends,

Before I go any farther, I keep forgetting to mention our blog. Please follow us so you never miss an update! :D

~Lantian~ blog --> http://lantianmagic.blogspot.com <--

Now, down to business. In this update I have two old friends (previous hunt prizes, now released for sale that the hunts are over) and a new one (a lovely color-change BDSM). Here are the pictures and links:


~[F]~Necklace - Unlock My Heart,diamond

(as featured in the Key To My Heart Hunt)




~LanTN~Necklace - Eternal Flame Steampunk

(as featured in Steam 3 Hunt--the previous, not the current round)



~[F]~Necklace - BDSM symbol, Engraved Silver & Mother-of-Pearl, color-change

(necklace version of the lovely BDSM sculptures from the other day)



And yes... it's been awhile. Have a free gift too: engraved silver BDSM necklace. Happy Ostara early! :)
[Gift sent with original notice in SL.]



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