Exotic Cabinets and Aquagear Rebooted Completely :D

Hello ~Lantian/Flox~ Friends,

This week we have some new products and some older products rebooted for you!

New Products - Exotic Fantasy Cabinets (Set of 2)

These cheerful little cabinets have an exotic flair: wrought-iron grates over partially-transparent glass.  Their polished wood bodies are a light caramel or deep cherry color.  100% mesh, 5LI or 1LI respectively.  The decorated version sports several books, a green candle, a hurricane lamp, and a potted flower.  The empty version is ready to fill with your treasures!

Caramel/Iron (Set of 2)

Cherry/Iron (Set of 2)


^ These are on sale at our Satisfying Sunday kiosk! Follow the trail from the store arrival point toward the back to get them at a huge discount of 40L!

Rebooted Products - Aquagear Spheres

After last week's success, we went ahead to reboot ALL of the Aquagear art and necklaces.  Now each of them sports the newer, sleeker script; improved sound effect; and nifty volume control accessed through the object's description.

Unisex Necklaces are 9 LI and Art pieces are 5 LI.  Both share the same, animated features when you click: they spin and open mystically to expose their inner, glowing core.  Each produces soft, glowing light to match its color: blue, purple, green, or red.  Even cooler: the projected diameter of light matches the object's size: small for necklaces, larger for art.  (And if you expand the art, yes, the light gets larger too.)

Copper/Blue Necklace

Silver/Purple Necklace

Silver/Green Necklace

Iron/Blood Necklace

 Copper Blue Art

Silver/Purple Art
Silver/Green Art
Iron/Blood Art

^ These are all in our New & Sale vendor! Get them at a discount, group members!

Lots of hugs!
~Wyvvy (Wyvern Dryke)


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