
Upcoming Events in ~Lantian~ Village...

[updated 17 Dec 2010]


Lantian Village & Tower are located in Schazm sim, on the adult continent.

The medieval area is at 500m, where you can enjoy the Marketplace, Pottery, Seasonal Shop & guest vendors (rentals). The sci-fi area and tower are at sea-level, where there is 7seas fishing with custom prizes, swimming, surfing.

Landmarks for ~Lantian~ Mainstore:

Medieval Area: 􀀉

Pottery: 􀀈


Ongoing Events (in order from newest to oldest):

* Make Your Own Pottery (no end date) - the only place in SL where you can create your own pottery, then give it away or sell it! Beautiful designs you can pick and choose, at a potter's wheel just like you were shaping it from clay. Each pot is also a light that clicks on/off. Come to the Pottery section at the Schazm Mainstore or the ~[FLOX]~ store at Mieville Stephenson.

* Make Your Own Valentine - (15 Jan-15 Feb) - same as Make Your Own Pottery, except with beautiful sculpted hearts.

* Make Your Own Easter Egg - (1 March-30 April) - same as Make Your Own Pottery, except with colorful and eye-catching egg designs.

* Make Your Own Pumpkin - (15 Sept-31 Oct) - same as Make Your Own Pottery, except with pumpkins and jackolanterns!

* Make Your Own Ornament - (15 Nov-31 Dec) - same as Make Your Own Pottery, except with holiday ornaments, bells, tree-toppers, etc.



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