Happy YULE-mas

Ho Ho Ho, Merry YULE-mas!

Here at ~Lantian~ we are firing up the holiday with a GREAT new hunt: ~Lantian~ Yule Hunt 2010. Take your chance with the THREE prize rezzers, or check out the Holiday Lucky Chair. There's a new gift every 5 minutes: holiday necklaces, plants, unisex kilt & 1 adorable plushie. NO freebies! I stayed up all night making these. Happy Yule! :)

~Wyvern Dryke


(Note: Schazm sim is Adult-rated but the gifts are all PG. If you are unable to get here, please use the ~[FLOX]~ location in Mieville Stevenson, where 1 rezzer is set out: 􀀈 .)


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